Innovative approach for circular chemistry in secondary education
Project No.2020-1-SE01-KA201-077967

CIRCLE-LAB, in line with the European lifelong learning approach, is aimed at supporting the initial and continuous professional development of teachers’ profiles through the application of practical and innovative tools in order to promote circular chemistry in secondary schools. The project will consider identified needs & gaps related to circular chemistry education and in particular:
-need for a practice-based approach that provides innovative resources and tools
-lack of a promotion of circular economy principles and ESD core competencies within chemistry education.
-necessity of promoting and developing digital learning environment.
The main Project results will be:
This output aims at defining a specific educational framework for the teaching of circular chemistry for secondary school students.
OUTPUT 2. CIRCLE-LAB training programme (ITE) to Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
The objective of this output is the design and development of the Toolkit for educating secondary school students on circular chemistry
OUTPUT 4. CIRCLE-LAB online environment
The CIRCLE-LAB online environment will consist of two key components:
- The MOOC: the online course for teachers (IO2) offered as a MOOC in order to allow large number of users and to facilitate its transferability and further exploitation.
- The Structured Toolkit: It will contain the Toolkit and related guidelines developed in IO3, organized online in a way that it promotes the tools’ association with the CIRCLE-LAB
training programme and their interdependence.
Project impact:
The desired impact at local and regional level is that the CIRCLE-LAB may become a reference in developing skills for circular chemistry and achieve the highest adhesion and
participation by the individuals and organisations involved in each partner’s network, in order to offer services and support to learning activities about circular chemistry.
At national level, the desired impact is to involve potential schools and teachers in the field of circular chemistry that can be multiplier actors and contribute to the use of Project results.
At European level, the project will enforce the promotion of circular chemistry and ESD principles and its added value on the environment as well as on the social and economic level.