ecoActive – Youth
Nr. 2020-1-LT02-KA105-006804
“The climate crisis has already been solved. We already have all the facts and solutions. All we have to do is wake up
and change.”Greta Thunberg
As stated by SOER 2020 report (EEA) Europe has already made significant progress in terms of climate change
mitigation, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, tackling air and water pollution and the introduction of policies to tackle
plastic waste and the circular economy. While these achievements are significant Europe is not making enough progress
and the outlook for the environment in the coming decade is not positive. We should revise how the sustainability vision
of ‘living well within the limits of the planet’ could be promoted and how changes in consumption models and sustainable
ways of living could be encouraged.

The need for active engagement of youth in sustainable development efforts in protecting the planet, and averting the
worst threats including the impacts of climate change is emphasized by numerous reports and strategies (World Youth
Report: Youth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development) and confirmed by plenty of surveys (Eurobarometer
Despite the undisputable necessity of our involvement, We, active young people passionate about environmental
protection, see the lack of proper means on how to accomplish it. In our surroundings, We reflect a scarcity of
opportunities to be eco-active and educate ourselves on these matters. In the last years, we witness numerous climate
change strikes and protests organized by young people to raise awareness of the public about the importance of
environmental issues, but we also meet the opinions of adults from our communities, parents, teachers, our political
representatives telling that protests are not making any good. Young people should rather stay in the school building their
competences to provide real solutions for climate change issues not skip classes in protests.
By the means of this Youth mobility, we want to extend awareness about the importance of environmental protection
among 40 young Europeans and their peers, emphasizing the urgency of reducing individual and society’s ecological
footprint and encouraging them to practice ecological living following the overall principles of sustainable development.
10 intensive days will bring participants the opportunity to develop environmental competences, share easily adoptable
practices and first handly experience eco-actions they can simply transfer into their local areas.
Through involving eight partners with diverse backgrounds, different experiences, and activities evolved in relation to the
project topic we foresee strengthening collaboration between groups of active young people across Europe. As a part of
the exchange, we plan to leave a place for planning future actions and initiatives with the involved participants.
The offered Youth mobility project is linked with Erasmus+ priorities and anticipated outcomes of its Key Action 1.
Particularly, the exchange will contribute to: the increasing sense of initiative, self-esteem; to improving foreign language
competences; to enhancing intercultural awareness; and to increasing active participation in society among young
The mobility meets also the European Commission 2050 longterm strategy – for a climate-neutral Europe.
- Advance participants knowledge regarding the current environmental threats, particularly the ones present in their
communities, - Share experience in environmental protection and environmental sustainability, best practices and successful ecoactivities
from participants’ regions, - Share with participants concepts and recommendations on how to reduce individual and society’s ecological footprint,
suggestions for a more sustainable lifestyle, practical tips for effective recycling, re-using of waste material, saving
energy and minimizing consumption, - Encourage a sense of initiative amongst young people from our regions by revealing the feasible impact of easily
manageable eco-actions, - Promote pro-environmental awareness and sustainable lifestyle among young people from our regions.
Youth Exchange ecoACTIVE-YOUth will gather 40 young people from 8 different European countries in Betlanovce, a
small village located in Slovensky raj.